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Giant Print Bibles

Our Giant Print Bibles offer the King James Version in a variety of styles with immensely large print. Featuring easy-to-read typesetting 14-point type in a double-column format, you’ll find it wonderfully purposeful for reading and studying without eye strain. In case you still need something more, KJV Bibles also offers Super Giant Print Bibles with 17-point type that’s perfect for accommodating poor eyesight.

Giant Print Bible Features

Inside our giant print KJV Bibles you’ll find a variety of helpful tools at your fingertips to guide you through your journey in the Scripture. Discover a helpful topical verse finder, concordance, annotated biblical maps, footnote cross-reference guides, the Epistle Dedicatory and so much more. Several are enhanced with the finishing touches of gleaming gilt-edged pages or easy-to-use thumb tabs. Find the magnified print size you need in our selection to enhance a more comfortable reading experience.

Convenient Size

Despite their extra large print size, our giant print Bibles measure the same length and width as standard-size Bibles. These Bibles are perfect for at-home devotions, church, and Bible study. Our giant print Bibles lay flat on the table, can fit in a larger purse, and will be easier to read in a dimly lit church sanctuary.