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Study Bibles

This KJV Study Bible preaches a sermon with every chapter of text.  Along with the unparalleled KJV translation, you’ll get:

  • Personal and Family devotional idea for every chapter
  • Cross-references
  • Intros to every book
  • 50+ articles on key Christian teachings
  • Creeds, confessions and catechisms
  • Overview of church history
  • Explanation of difficult words
  • Large print version available
  • Full grain leather options

Teach with a Study Bible

As the most published book in world history, the KJV Bible is revered as the number one source in Bible translations throughout all times. Its precise accuracy is highly regarded by scholars and Biblical teachers in many Christian denominations and higher education institutions. Reference notes and historical facts are taken into consideration in these Life Application KJV Study Bibles that guide teaching to a deeper understanding of God’s message.

The Ideal Sunday School Bible

KJV Study Bibles are ideal for Bible study groups or classroom use. The maps, charts and timelines help bring the KJV Bible to life in a vibrant way. The background character information enlightens us by painting a picture of the times the characters of each story had to struggle to live through. Having a comprehensive knowledge of each of the biblical characters helps students and readers of the KJV Bible lean into the Word as a study tool when seeking guidance in their life.