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Large Print Bibles

Set your sights on the Holy Bible without straining or succumbing to eye fatigue. Select from the Large Print Bible featuring 10 point font, our Giant Print Bibles with 14 point font, or our largest Super Giant Print KJV Bible featuring 17 point font.

KJV Bibles brings you a standout selection of big print Bibles that applies modern technology to traditional style. Designed with special typesetting, these large print Bibles feature the beloved language of the King James Version. Our selection of easy-to-read Bibles will transform reading Scripture into an enjoyable experience.

Large Print Compact Bible

Offering the best of both worlds, our unique collection of large print compact Bibles beautifully combines easy-to-handle portability with the King James Version in a large text format that’s easier to read. Each conveniently large print compact Bible features a more slender profile with the same quality and sophisticated cover designs as our standard sizes. While condensed in size, you’ll find they are still packed with biblical features such as the double-column format, words of Christ standing out in red ink, concordance, Scripture verse finder by topic, a one-year Bible reading plan and full-color maps.

Large Print Thinline Bible

Looking for a lightweight Bible that still can lie flat on the table? Our large print thinline Bibles are perfect for reading devotions at the table or at your desk. Rest your eyes comfortably on the text while still having enough room to underline and highlight important verses. A large print thinline Bible effectively combines portability and a classic look.